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Футляр для скрипки Diplomat, Cognac/Cognac-blue

Старая цена:
102 900.00 грн.
Цена: 100 450.00 грн.
Срок поставки: стандартный
Код: Negri DIP C-B

Футляр для скрипки 4/4 Negri Diplomat, cognac / cognac-blue - удобный легкий футляр. Внешнее покрытие - натуральная кожа, отделка внутри - натуральная кожа Cognac /синий велюр.

  • размер - 4/4
  • вес - 2,95 кг
  • цвет снаружи - cognac (натуральная кожа в цвете - коньяк)
  • цвет внутри - cognac-blue (коньяк / синий)
  • внутренняя отделка из натуральной кожи и вельвета на основе микрофибры
  • покрывало для инструмента
  • 4 крепления из натурального розового дерева для смычков
  • швейцарский замок
  • 3 отделения для аксессуаров


Описание производителя:

The Negri Diplomat case is a all-natural wooden case with a Cognac leather exterior ( from Tuscany) cover, finest leather/velvet interior and matching leather accessory pockets. Interior comes in choice of royal blue or olive green. This case includes four handmade bow holders made of rosewood, a full-length zippered music pocket, two interior compartments plus a rosin compartment, a suede blanket ( only for special edition model), string tube, adjustable leather strap, and the finest and most secure suspension protection system. Finest italian and swiss locks. Leather handle.

Standard features:


  • Five-layer laminate wooden box
  • Cover made of brown full grain leather
  • Extra screws for a perfect attaching of the cover
  • Large zippered music pocket
  • Finest brass hardware
  • Extra strong leather straps
  • Heavy gauge welded D-Rings
  • Original swiss latch
  • Oversized leather handle (for carrying the case with gloves in cold weather)


  • Highest quality leather and velvet/ or leather and goat leather (only for Diplomat special edition)
  • 3 Points deep suspension air system
  • Leather straps for attaching the instrument
  • 4 high quality two position bow spinners with springs made of rosewood (only for special edition).
  • 3 accesory compartments
  • Elegant brass pulls
  • Blanket made of finest Velvet and silk material
  • Special cushion for bridge protection
  • Pencil compartment
  • Hygrometer
  • Strings tube
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